Go with your passion!
You can make real money online! 
What do you like to do? Do you have a hobby? You can share your interests with other people by setting up a blog or website ( It is very easy to do) and write about your knowledge and experience in that field.
Maybe you like sailing! You could write about your knowledge, experiences, and your favorite places to sail, even post pictures of your adventures. You could share with others, your favorite gear that you like to have on board. Adding a simple link to your blog or website then takes people to a site where they can purchase that gear. That is affiliate marketing and you make a commission off of those sales. That is income to you and it is not hard to do at all.
Maybe your interest is in art. How about setting up a site where you share with others what your favorite mediums are and even your favorite tools. You can share a link of where they can purchase those tools and once again, you make a commission off of the sales. Do you have some of your own work that you would like to sell? Set up a page with pictures of your work and sell your own creations.

There are endless possibilities as to what we can market online.
The biggest challenge for me was finding a legitimate and ethical place to learn the details on how to put it all together. Learning the proper way to build the foundation of your business so that it would be there for the long haul.
You can hire someone to build your blog or website for you or learn how to do it yourself. I chose to do it myself, that way I can maintain it and not have to pay someone else to do it.
Here is a link to where I am learning (and enjoying) how to build simple websites that earn money for years. Check it out for free. You will have access to help and all training for a week, then you decide.
Get started here
Earnings Disclaimer
This is not a get rich quick scheme, I am not making any claims as to the amount of income you may earn. Success is based on many factors including (but not limited to) your educational background, prior experience, the amount of time you can and will devote to the endeavor. There is no guarantee.
Affiliate Disclosure
Some links within this website are affiliate links. This means that I may earn a commission if you click on the link and make a purchase. Purchasing through one of these links does not increase the price to you.
The online world has definitely changed the game in terms of business opportunities. I’m fairly sure that in the future a large portion of the population will be earning their income at least partly online. The current form of content marketing and search engine optimization is just the tip of the iceberg. Artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and neuro links will take things much further just you wait! It’s a great idea to learn about this stuff as much as possible right now before everyone is doing it.
Thanks Jukka for the comment.
I agree, the online world is definitely changing the game and in a wonderful way. Imagine all the people who are needing additional income just to meet monthly expenses and what working from home could do for them. I know it has changed my world and I didn’t think I could do it! Anyone can. Knowledge is the key. You are right-Artificial intelligence, virtual reality, etc will be a huge contribution.
Wishing you the best in your online adventure.